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To: Residents of MIMA Neighborhood March 2022

Please come to our Neighborhood Day get-together this coming Saturday, March 26th.

TIME: 1:00 p.m. PLACE: 812 Grand Central Street – in Marcia’s back yard.

Please eat your lunch “entree” at home, and then we’ll have a potluck of drinks, snacks, and desserts.

Let me know what you’d like to bring.

In addition to getting to know one another, we’ll hold an election for our officers. Our current officers will stand for re-election, but I’m hoping some of you will step up, or nominate someone you know. We especially need someone to run for Secretary.

BIG NEWS! Our website is now launched: Please look it over.

Please let me know if you can come on Saturday. Contact me if you have any questions.

Love, Marcia Powell (aka “The Twash Fehwy”) (see website)

President, Milton Park and Magnolia Heights Neighborhood Associations

812 Grand Central St (818) 552-2211